The story of a thirty-something girl trying to make things happen in Washington, DC.

Monday, April 13, 2009

You know it's springtime in DC when...

Wow... how is it that my last blog post was in the beginning of February? How am I ever going to be a contender for blogger of the year if I don't blog regularly?? At least I'm consistent with my inconsistent blogging.

So, spring has sprung here in DC. For DC residents, this is a mixed bag of delights and irritations. Let me count the ways...

1. The Cherry Blossoms, of course!
I remember wondering when I moved to DC what the fuss was with the cherry blossoms. That was similar to me wondering what the fuss was with fall foliage in New England when I moved there. Both are worthy of the fuss, and you have to see it to understand.
This year, my mom came down for a week-long visit at the peak of the cherry blossoming. Here we are taking it all in at the Tidal Basin--home of about 3000 Japanese cherry trees--plus some other spring-timey shots around town. (Click on the photos to enlarge the cherry blossom goodness.)

Brad and Amy also joined us for a weekend cherry blossom stroll, or as Amy put it, a 7 mile "urban hike".

2. Dumbarton Oaks coming to life.
Dumbarton Oaks is my new favorite place in DC. It's a big historic home in Georgetown surrounded by acres of gardens. I stumbled upon it a few weeks ago and went back with Mom, Gideon, Brad and Myra last week. It's about a mile and a half walk from our apartment, and I am sure I will be visiting often to watch the seasons unfold on the beautiful grounds. Actually, Myra and I felt it would be appropriate to don ourselves in full Victorian garb for subsequent visits. It's that kind of place.

(Photo by Myra...nice.)

3. Playing in the backyard.
No, we don't have a backyard, much to Josie's chagrin, but we make a point of having friends and family with big backyards. And there is nothing like spring to make a backyard even more appealing. The newest backyard added to our list of favorites is Myra and Tim's new place. The ambitious newlyweds up and bought a fixer-upper in the 'burbs, complete with a giant backyard. Last weekend, some of us sisters (minus Becca--sad) took a break from the fixin' to practice our backyard stunts. Oh, it was just like old times... me bossing the girls around in order to create impressive performances for all the neighbors. We still got it.

IRRITATIONS (just one):

1. Tourists.
Oh, I feel bad saying this, but DC tourists are the bane of my existence right now. I tried, oh how I tried, to be patient with them. I tried to be understanding. But it's no use. I officially can't stand it when the tourists stand on the left side of the Metro elevators instead of walking. I lose my cool when they gather for head counts at the bottom of the elevators and in the entry ways of major museums. I get a bit huffy when they jam strollers into my legs on the train and then refuse to let me off the train at my stop. I want to scream when hordes of 8th graders decide to completely zone out right in the middle of major thoroughfares at the museum. I'll even admit to using my shoulders and elbows to maneuver down the sidewalks when tourists amble along 6 or 7 abreast. Ugh. When did I become such an angry urbanite? Probably when I moved to DC.
I think a lot of problems could be solved by posting tourist coaches in the major Metro stations and tourist sites. Just some ultra-friendly folks with loud voices who could gently yell advice to visitors such as, "Get the hell out of the way!", "What are you thinking standing there?", "Move it or lose it buddy!" I don't know... I think it could work.
No, no, no, don't get me wrong; I love people. I love our nation's capitol. I want folks to enojy it. But this place is now my home, and it's hard not to feel totally overrun.
I just needed to vent. My apologies to all tourists. Go on and enjoy your visit. Just be nice and step to the side whenever possible. Thank you very much.

Happy Spring from Washington, DC!