The story of a thirty-something girl trying to make things happen in Washington, DC.

Monday, April 28, 2008

How 'bout another distraction?

Should I do this? Should I enter the trendy cyber-world of the BLOG? I've been debating it for months. Yes, it's a great way to keep in touch with friends and family. Yes, it's a step up from the sometimes-trashy realm of facebook and myspace (in my techno-snob opinion). Yes, it's a fine creative outlet that serves a purpose. But... really, who am I kidding? Ultimately, it is yet another distraction from what I should be doing.
But, you don't understand! This I can do! This blog thing, although new to me, is totally navigable. Creating a book for kids on museums... well, that's uncharted territory. I don't know how to do that. But that is my job right now.
Okay, so I will blog. I will do it! Yes! It feels good--like a real accomplishment or something! Watch out DC... I am about to share your secrets. Soon, my couple dozen or so friends and family members will be getting the inside scoop of this crazy life here in our nation's capitol. Alright, so perhaps my life isn't so wild and crazy, but I do have my share of adventures here. Just last week I interviewed the taxidermist for the Natural History Museum for my book. Now, that's interesting. Check him out on this very cool youtube snippet.
This is my life, friends! Sometimes it's cool!
So, here goes nothing... I hope you enjoy my stories about this life I'm living and loving in DC.


{Myra} said...

Yay!!! Woooohoooo! Welcome to the blogging world. It's fun.

Anonymous said...

I've got to step up and blog too! i started once, but forgot about it :) anyway, put up some "proud big sista" pics from my wedding! ;)

and some proud Momma pics of Josie...or did i miss a pic of her already? ;)

Love you!

James said...

Emily - so glad you have entered the blogosphere. So when you interviewed the taxidermy dude did you get to meet Ed too?!?!?

Katers said...

i love it! can't wait to hear more:).