The story of a thirty-something girl trying to make things happen in Washington, DC.

Monday, July 28, 2008

This is What Tired Looks Like

You know I love living in the city, but every city mouse needs a break from the hustle and bustle from time to time. Gideon and I try to get out of the D.C. once a month or so. Heading to Lexington or Lovettesville, Virginia for some fresh air and time with family is usually the just the fix we are looking for--close to home, cheap, relaxing, and best of all, space for our boxer Josie to run.
Poor Josie... she is a country dog through-and-through and has not taken to life in the big city. She hates the buses, delivery trucks, and other big noisy things. If she had a tail (not a stub), it would be permanently between her legs here in D.C.
So, our jaunts to the country, though very much appreciated by me and Gideon, are even more welcomed by Josie. I'm telling you, the moment we get in the car and start heading west, she knows and she starts smiling (have you ever seen a boxer smile? Cute!). As soon as we reach our destination, we set our squirming dog loose and off she goes, running tirelessly for hours on end. Her city routine of sleeping on the ottoman for 20 hours a day is put on hold. Honestly, she doesn't stop unless we force her to. It's a sight to behold--Josie running at top speed, tongue flapping in the breeze, eyes full of life and doggy glee.
Well, of course, this energy explosion can only last about the length of a weekend. By Sunday afternoon, she slows down dramatically, usually just in time to get in the car to head back home to the city. And then the recovery begins. For the next two to three days Josie sleeps hard. I have to force her out the door to take care of business. If you ever wondered what tired really looks like, here it is.

Here's to living it up in the city and letting loose in the country!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i swear Em, your dog is the cutest boxer in the whole dang universe! I never thought boxers were cute once they got out of puppy hood (our next door neighbors stopped being cute after like 4 months old ;) he was such a punk! but anyway...Josie hilarious! why don't you ship her up to Richie and I some time so we can have her play with Bub :) he just got back from a 3 day stay at the ER, so send her up now...he won't be strong enough to fight her ;)

Love ya!