The story of a thirty-something girl trying to make things happen in Washington, DC.

Friday, October 10, 2008


The transition from teaching to writing has been challenging on many fronts. The world of teaching is full to overflowing with accountability, expectations, structure, and of course, people. As a writer, I'm in a different world now, and I'm learning to create my own structure, now that I have none. I'm also coping with being alone. Not counting my ever-snoozing dog, Josie, it's me, myself, and I, day in and day out. But as a friend recently pointed out, I am not really alone; my home (which is my workplace) is packed with friendly, albeit quiet, faces. This same friend said my apartment has a happy, positive energy. I have to agree. Why else would I be able to hang out here, working day after day? Now, if only those faces would give me a little direction with my creative energy and shout some deadlines at me, this could be a really productive environment.

Here are a few of the friendly faces that share my space.

1 comment:

James said...

The faces blog!! I was waiting for this one. Now I really need to see a "Cadillac One (1)" blog with VIDEO!!!! I want to see escalades, machine guns, and W.